Unstuffed Cabbage


1 large head cabbage

2 lbs. ground meat (beef, turkey, venison, etc)

1 medium onion minced

1 T caraway seed

1 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp garlic powder

1 16-oz can diced tomatoes

3 T vinegar

1 tsp sugar

salt & pepper to taste


1. Whack up the cabbage into chunks about 3 inches on a side. No need to be exact. Separate into pieces, maybe 2-4 leaves thickness each. Just break them up any old way, really. Put about half in the bottom of the roasting pan or crock pot.

2. Mix the meat, onion, and spices, including salt and pepper. Form into meatballs, and nestle them amongst the cabbage leaves. Put the rest of the leaves on top.

3. Put tomatoes and lemon juice or vinegar into blender (or into a pot and use a stick blender, or use a food processor). Pulse a few times. You want the tomatoes partially pureed, but still with chunks. You could just fully puree half the can if you want. You can do this in a pot on the stove and cook it down a bit if you want (it's probably best to do this, to blend the flavors, but it's not at all crucial).

4. Add sweetener to the tomato mixture until you get a nice "sweet and sour" effect. Add a bit of salt and pepper, and also, if you want, another tablespoon of caraway seeds. Pour the mixture over the cabbage.

5. n a crockpot, cook for 6-8 hours on low or 2-3 on high.


Notes: This easy, healthy meal can be made either in the oven or a slow cooker (crockpot). The roots of this dish are Eastern European - there are variations of stuffed cabbage all over that region. This version has the same flavors and ingredients of stuffed cabbage, but is much easier! It can be low fat by using very lean ground meat.